WTHR: Start off 2012 by saving energy

By Jeremy Brilliant – bio


INDIANAPOLIS - Welcome to 2012. There is a new program aimed at saving money for anyone who pays a utility bill.

The program is called “Energizing Indiana” and it is free. Probably the most important service is the home energy assessment.

The assessment will give homeowners an idea if their furnace is working efficiently, if they have enough insulation and if their ducts are sealed properly.  It’s a starting point to let home owners know what they can do to make their home more energy efficient.

Anyone who registers gets a free kit which includes energy efficient light bulbs as well as more water efficient shower heads and aerators for their kitchen and bathrooms.  The home energy assessment is just one of the programs offered.

” We also have a commercial and industrial rebate program, and a school assessment and audit program and also a residential light program where they can save money on CFL light bulbs,” says Kevin Soroko of Energizing Indiana.

Becoming more energy efficient is becoming less about choice. Just this weekend, the U.S. Senate passed a measure to continue the phase-out of the old incandescent light bulb. It’s not a done deal, but it seems more and more likely the old-fashioned light bulbs are headed in the direction of the steam engine.

Full story: http://www.wthr.com/story/16427878/you-can-start-off-the-year-saving-energy